Friday, November 9, 2007


This is Catdog, the resident pet. He was curled up sleeping during activity night, it was cute. I have not gotten hives from this cat, so I think I'm just allergic to American cats.

This is one of the giant moths that flies around. Scott is on the left....he's very photogenic. That's Kenny's hand just to give you a reference as to how gynormous these moths are. It may look innocent there, but not when it's flying 50 mph at your face.


As you can probably tell from the title of this blog, my presentations are finally over!!! I don't know how we did yet, but the presentations seemed to go well. We still have several assignments due on Monday and Tuesday, but they aren't group work so I'm incredibly happy. We do have one paper left to write for one of our projects, but we figured out a way to write it to keep us all sane.

We were supposed to go on a deep water snorkel on Wednesday, but one of the boats was taking on water so we couldn't go. Instead, we are doing that tomorrow (hopefully). We have community outreach tomorrow as well, but I don't know what I'm doing for that yet. Tomorrow night we are having an invitational dinner with all law enforcement people. This means that the very entertaining police chief will be back with his sidekick, Sanchez. It turns out Sanchez is pretty fun, we've seen him out at the bars a few times and he always comes up to talk to us.

I don't know if I've ever told you guys about our resident cat; Catdog. He hangs around Marta (the staff person from Italy). Marta has been at a conference all week so Catdog has been very lonely. He's been begging all of us for food, following us everywhere, and trying to get us to pet him. Speaking of pets, I haven't seen Josie lately. I'm very worried about her. I did, however, find another awesome dog. We named this one Franklin. He looks like a golden retriever and he's a sweetheart. Yesterday he came with us for part of our run, then I realized he had a gimpy leg so we stopped and he laid down, it was cute.

If you can't already tell, I really don't have much to talk about. We've just been working our butts off on our projects. In our free time we've been tanning and just putzing around. Oh, for those of you who don't know, I got the internship at the Shedd Aquarium that I had applied for. I start January 8th and I'll be working in the marine mammals department. Other than that, there's not too much going on. I hope everyone is doing well!!


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