Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Ding Dong the Roach is Dead!!!

Hey Everyone,

So Evelyn, my very brave roommate, killed the roach (with a dustpan and my flip flop 'cuz it was THAT BIG) that had been living in our bathroom since the day I found it in my pants. Needless to say, I was very grateful and offered to buy her some candy. I don't know why it started, but the bugs are out in force. The moths that are the size of birds have taken residence under the benches around the complex. One flew at my head today....during the day!! It probably has rabies. There are also giant beetle things with pinchers that even the director had never seen before. One of these giant beetles was standing guard at the door to my room, not letting anyone in, including me. So Devynn, another one of my very brave roommates, saved the day by attacking it with a broom. The "Belongers" have noticed the ridiculous amount of bugs so a man is driving his pick up truck around spewing some sort of insecticide into the air. I'm sure it's really healthy for everyone. We all try to not breathe as long as possible when he comes around.

Our window has not been fixed so every time it rains, I also get a shower. I love waking up on the lake, but not when it's in my room :-/ The reason our window hasn't gotten fixed is because Alan, the site maintenance guy, has been busy repairing the boats. They are finally going to put the boats back in the water tomorrow so we can go snorkeling!!

All of our projects are coming along nicely. Very soon I will be an expert in conch aquaculture so if any of you want a place to spend some money, let me know. I can advise those interested in growing conch and possibly lobster or grouper. For our ecotourism assignment, my group decided to put a camping ground with cabins and campsites on North Caicos. It actually kind of reminds me of Wildcat Lodge, just on the ocean so there's a few more activities (I'd go if it were a real thing). My ecological footprint paper is done. All of the statistical tests I did just ended up confirming what I had originally thought; students spend the most on airfare and alcohol while they are here. But now that I backed it up with chi squared and z-tests, it's official.

After this week of projects and presentations, we have one more week of classes which should be pretty low key, then we start DR (directed research). I still don't know exactly what I'm supposed to be doing. I do know for sure though, that it involves seagrass and Bell Sound. Well I hope everyone is doing well at home.

ps: it's like twice as warm here as it is there....hahahahaha


LMM said...

OK, as a Field Ed student, I would expect that you would at least try to make up some scientific sounding name instead of "giant beetle things with pinchers".
Sorry - don't have any need for a conch or lobster consultant but it would be awesome if we could harvest conch & lobster around LZ....maybe Julia could help you and then take them to the Shedd and train them to do tricks!
(It's late & I'm slap-happy!)
Thanks for the new posting!

scargo said...

sounds like you could use a case of duct tape.and as for the cockroach,ypu could have put it into a empty beer bottle and kept it as a pet. and as for the weather,when you get back to chicaago we will se who is laughing HA HA.

Michelle Carlino said...

I probably could have come up with a better name for the beetle, but that might have required me to look at it closer to see if it had any distinguishing characteristics. That is a problem because I try to keep as much distance between those creepy things and me :-)

Thanks for the suggestion Uncle Scott, but I think I will pass on the roach pet idea. I really could use a case of duct tape though, that's what I currently have over the majority of the crack in our window right now. Unfortunately the paint is peeling so the ends aren't staying very well.
