Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Only 2 days left :-(


On Saturday for the "Sea Day" only 4 kids showed up. I was actually pretty happy about that, I wasn't in the mood for children. We ended up having sea cucumbers, sea stars, two kinds of conch, hermit crabs, pea crabs, sea biscuits, and sea urchins....it was pretty cool.

Sunday we just worked on our presentations and our posters all day. Yesterday we had to sit through 27 15 minute presentations....it was a long day. We started at 8:30 and got done at 4:30. Some of them were actually pretty interesting. Today we are having 1 person from each project present to the public. Nick is going for our group. Tonight the grade school and high school are putting on a Christmas pageant, I'm pretty excited for that. Tomorrow we have site clean up all morning long to get rid of our stuff and pack and clean up the place. In the afternoon we're hopefully going to go to a beach, but there is a big storm system moving through here, so that might not happen. I just looked at the forecast for Chicago and got severely depressed....I don't want to go home to ice and snow :-(

Tomorrow night "the boys" (the group of locals we hang around with) are throwing us a good bye party on the beach. They are going to grill chicken, lobster, and conch for us....it should be fun. I can't believe there's only 2 days left! Sorry I have no pictures to put up, we haven't been doing much lately. I hope all of you are doing well and surviving the winter weather!!



LMM said...

I know that our weather isn't as great as TCI, but we have something TCI doesn't....
Can't wait to see you live in LZ!
Blessings on your travels home...

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