Thursday, October 4, 2007

Heck (I can't say the real word) week is almost over


So all of our paper products are currently stuck at customs meaning we have run out of toilet paper and paper towels. Turns out if we run out, we get to buy the paper products from the store....$18 for a 12 pack. There is an upside to this, we get Charmin from the store instead of the normal recycled paper so we were actually quite happy about this.

Yesterday was a very busy day. We had 3 classes in the morning then a waterfront activity in the afternoon. I did not go because I have so much work to get done. My conch assessment is almost done, I finished my presentation and my literature report, but I have yet to start studying the coral. Last night we played flashlight tag but before we played, they informed us that they were changing the schedule for today so we would be snorkeling in the morning. There is a no going out policy on nights before snorkeling or diving so I couldn't go out to watch the Cubs game....needless to say I was quite upset. So after that shock, we played tag. We had to play with a partner since there was a total of 40 people that played. My partner was Courtney and it was her idea to hide in a tree. Getting in the tree was no problem but getting down was a huge ordeal. I ended up having to swing out of the tree and I got a huge scrape from my wrist to my armpit on my left arm. The worst part of it was I got caught as I was swinging so we lost. Courtney and I did not have the best hiding place though, some of the other girls hid on the roof of the main building and at the end of the game, couldn't get back down. One of the teachers had to get a ladder to help them.

Today we started out with a presentation from a local historian. He has done work all over the TCI and he talked about Middleton Cay where there used to be a Lucayan settlement. The presentation was quite interesting but then later we went to Middleton to see the "settlement" and it was just a pile of conch shells surrounded by black dirt. Either the presentation or the fieldtrip would have been sufficient, but not both back to back. We also went on a coral ID snorkel and I scraped my knee on some coral, I wasn't the only one to do that so I didn't feel as bad. On the way back to the boat we saw a fish trap full of fish. We felt bad so we freed all of the fish, that was probably the highlight of the day so far.

This afternoon we have our lectures since we did snorkeling and the fieldtrip in the morning. After dinner we have a night snorkel in Shark Alley. If we go on this snorkel, then we can go turtle rodeoing next week. I'll explain that when the time comes. Well, that's about it for now, take care!


1 comment:

LMM said...

Oh,my! You sure have received lots of "war wounds" this week! I'm sure the salt water bath will feel wonderful on them! (ouch!)
What an extravagance to have Charmin TP! Kind of makes up for missing the Cubs game? Hopefully you'll be able to watch Saturday's game -- maybe that's why they lost the last 2 -- cuz you weren't watching!