Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I'm running out of creative titles

This is my room. There is a bathroom and closet to the left. My bed is clearly the one with the zebra sheets.

This is the girls wing. There are 20 girls and we are split up into 5 rooms. This building is on the west side of the compound.

This is what I see everyday when I walk out of my room. Just thought I'd put it up here to make you all jealous ;-)

This is the main compound. The building with the highest roof is where we eat. Room to the right of that is the bar (it isn't in use, don't worry) where a lot of people do their homework. The main phone is there as well. The classroom is the room behind the bar. The little white shed in front is the snorkel shed, it's where we keep all of our snorkel gear. The pool is where we teach swimming lessons.

These are the cannons by the pool. I have no clue why they are there, but they remind me of pirates, and you know me with pirates....so I had to take a picture.

Hey everyone,

We are finally all starting to get into the rhythm of things here now. A typical day now consists of breakfast at 7, meeting at 7:45, 3 classes in the morning (each an hour and 10 minutes long) starting at 8, then lunch at noon, then either a waterfront activity (scuba diving if you're certified or snorkeling for people like me) or an id session in the water with a TA, then dinner at 6:30. Every other night we have some sort of planned activity at 8 such as a game or a speaker.

Yesterday I had my 3 classes then we went to do our id session on Moxybush island again. This time I really knew my stuff for the algae, plants, worms and echinoderms, I still need to work on fish. At the beginning of the id session we saw a HUGE donkey dung sea cumber, and yes they are named that because they look just like donkey dung. While we were tooling around I was about to put my hand down when a large crab (I don't know what kind, it had blue on it though) shuffled out in attack position. When I get home you can ask for an imitation, it is quite funny. After a minute or so he buried himself back into the sand, out of sight. On our way back to the boat we saw a giant barracuda. It was probably 3 feet long, I was quite intimidated.

Today we had 3 classes again, then after lunch we had a waterfront session. It wasn't nearly as choppy this time so no one puked. I was in a group with my friends Britta and Christina. While we were on the east side of the reef looking at cool fish, everyone else in our group (10 other people) saw 6 nurse sharks feeding. By the time Kyle, the TA, came over and told us, they were all gone. We did, however, end up seeing a huge sting ray just chillin on the bottom. When we were in the boat on the way back, we saw an eagle ray jump out of the water.

It's only a little over a week in and already everyone's clothes are starting to get gross. I have one towel that I don't even want to touch because it seems so grimy. I started using my febreeze the second day I was here. Most people are starting to use their febreeze as perfume. But since we all smell and look gross, none of us really care.

Just an FYI, there is a tropical storm passing to the northeast of us. It is tropical Ingrid. I think that is why it stormed most of the day yesterday and is supposed to storm on and off all week. We are just getting the edge of it, so don't worry, we won't blow away.

Take care!


Captain Aggravation said...

My,my Michelle I cant believe you are at a loss for titles for your daily routines.Glad to see you are having so much fun their.as for the cannons they were a front line defence 400 years ago.and for your question from the first entry about the resorts fresh water. they will bring in Desalanization Machines to make fresh waster. Glad enerything is going well.see you soon.

Julie said...

Who is this Captain Aggravation character? And how does he know so much about history and your island??

-Your beautiful older sister

Michelle Carlino said...

Julie, I have no clue who Captain Aggravation is. Who are you Captain Aggravation??? and how do you know so much about the TCI?
